

When we seek God and spend time with him, he satisfies us, so that we are like a well-watered garden. We don’t have to turn to other things to fill our souls; he will give us what we need, even in the desert. Are you in the desert, desperate for water? Tell him that, and trust that he is working on your behalf. 

Unleashing compassion might make us feel uncomfortable or awkward at first. We might end up with people or in places we have never been to before. We might not know what to say. In those moments, we can call on God and remember his many promises to guide us as we look to for ways love those around us and connect with them. The folks you are endeavoring to help are important to God, and likely long for many of the same things you do.

Many of the ministries we partner with were started by someone who saw a need. They may have felt inadequate, out of their comfort zone, but took that first step anyway. Joining a team serving dinner to a group of teen moms may lead to coaching and empowering a young mom to finish school, and offering encouragement, strength, and tools to be a better parent. There are many ways we can show up and serve, give of our time and talents. Maybe you have a tug on your heart, a need that you’ve noticed that you could help meet, or perhaps you would simply like to financially bless others. All of it starts with a seed, a first step.


  1. What seed in your life needs watering right now? What areas of your life feel like sun-scorched earth? Think about a time the Lord guided and strengthened you in a difficult situation. Thank him and praise him. Ask him to meet you and water those places that seem scorched.

  2. What needs are you drawn to? Pray that God would guide you and show you where you are needed. Thank him in advance for giving you what you will need to navigate these new situations and for the willingness to be used by him.

  3. Boldly pray for where God wants you to step outside your comfort zone. Who could you bless today?