21 Prayer

Join us for 21 Days of Prayer beginning Monday, August 19!

It's a daily 2-minute video message paired with a written devotional guiding you through 3 weeks of inspiring prayer.

Articles 21
21 Week 3 - Day 21 (Take a Break). file
Today’s section of Isaiah 58 speaks of Sabbath. The word Sabbath means “to cease” and it is a fitting way to end this 21-day journey we have had together. About a thousand years before Isaiah was born, God ordained the Sab...  
20 Week 3 - Day 20 file
Restoration is central to the Lord’s work. How cool is it that we get to be part of that process? Not only does God restore our brokenness and offer us hope, but he also invites us to participate in his work of restoration. It may see...  
19 Week 3 - Day 19 file
When we seek God and spend time with him, he satisfies us, so that we are like a well-watered garden. We don’t have to turn to other things to fill our souls; he will give us what we need, even in the desert. Are you in the desert, de...  
18 Week 3 - Day 18 file
Healing is an important part of our road to freedom. Jesus offers us healing and freedom. When we find healing and freedom, we can help others find them. We can call on Jesus in our times of need, and he will answer. He promises to sustain ...  
17 Week 3 - Day 17 file
Freedom is a beautiful thing, and when we experience freedom because of God’s grace, it compels us to respond in turn to the needs of others. Each of us, a child of our Father who is the light of the world, can also be a light in a da...  
16 Week 2 - Day 16 file
Isaiah delves further into the deficiencies of the Israelites’ fasting practices in verses 3-5 of Isaiah 58: “Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers. Your fasting ends in quarreling and...  
15 Week 2 - Day 15 ( Unleash Compassion ) file
When the Israelites returned from captivity in Babylon (modern day Iraq), they were beyond grateful to be back in their homeland. They immediately began reinstating the traditions that had made life meaningful to them and their ancestors. T...  
14 Week 2 - Day 14 file
If two are better than one, then three must be even better. Throughout scripture we often picture things in threes. God himself, is represented in three parts: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. We also see this in the pictur...  
13 Week 2 (Build Community) - Day 13 file
A Prayer of Defense de·fend “resisting an attack made on someone or something; protecting from harm or danger” Ecclesiastes 4:12a 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. In almost every team sport, th...  
12 Week 2 (Build Community) - Day 12 file
A Prayer of Protection pro·tect “keep safe from harm or injury” Ecclesiastes 4:11 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Throughout the New Testament, the church is often ...  
11 Week 2 - Day 11 file
21 DAYS OF PRAYER // DAY 11 A Prayer of Partnership part·ner “associate or work together as partners” Ecclesiastes 4:10 10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one ...  
10 Week 2 - Day 10 file
21 DAYS OF PRAYER // DAY 10 A Prayer of Community com·mu·ni·ty “people (or other beings) living in a particular area or who are considered a unit due to their common interests or other common or unifying qualities...  
9 Week 2 - Day 9 file
21 Days of Prayer - Day 9 from Eastside Christian Church on Vimeo. 21 DAYS OF PRAYER // DAY 9 A Prayer of Admission ad·mit “confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance; acknowledge a failure or fault” ...  
8 Week 2 (Build Community) - Day 8: Peace Sign
21 Days of Prayer - Day 8 from Eastside Christian Church on Vimeo. Week 2: Build Community Ecclesiastes is believed to have been journaled by King Solomon when he was older and reflecting on his regrets. One of the things Solomon realized w...  
7 Week 1 - Day 7 file
1 DAYS OF PRAYER // DAY 7 A Prayer of Permanence per·ma·nence “the state or quality of lasting or remaining unchanged indefinitely” Psalm 131 3 Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore. “If ...  
6 Week 1 - Day 6 file
On day one, you discovered that this prayer served as a worship song for a nation gathered around the temple mount, camped out as families to remember that once they were nomads in tents but now had a land and a home. This was a celebration...  
5 Week 1 - Day 5 file
21 DAYS OF PRAYER // DAY 5 A Prayer of Contentment con·tent·ment “a state of satisfaction” Psalm 131 2 I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. “Someone is happy with less th...  
4 Week 1 - Day 4 file
The next six words of this psalm are, “I have calmed and quieted myself.” Some translations use the word “stilled” instead of “calmed.” When infants stop fighting sleep, it is said they have learned to &ld...  
3 Week 1 - Day 3 file
The next five words of this worship song are, “I do not concern myself.” It is put in the language of making a choice. Worry begins when we take responsibility for something or someone we have no control over. Your pursuit of God...  
2 Week 1 - Day 2 file
Imagine again being a pilgrim pursuing God by ascending a steep hill to an impressive house of worship, singing this song with others along the way. The Jewish temple at that time was built of stones weighing 400 tons. The plaza surrounding...