A Prayer of Contentment


“a state of satisfaction”

Psalm 131

 2 I am like a weaned child with its mother;

    like a weaned child I am content.

 “Someone is happy with less than what you have.”

― Anonymous


David said here that he is like a weaned child with its mother. Notice he did not say he was like a nursing infant. He said he was like a weaned child. A weaned child has learned to feed itself and to self-soothe to a good degree, while an infant is totally dependent on its mother to be satisfied. What satisfies you most these days? When do you feel most content and why? When do you feel most discontent?


  • Now that you have labeled some things that make you feel unsatisfied, bring them to God and ask him to show you how he wants to satisfy you with something better. Commit yourself before him to that new path of contentment.
  • If you had everything you needed, what would you pray for today? For a moment, pray now as if you did.
  • When David was young, he lived out in the fields and shepherded the family’s sheep. He wrote that because “The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing” (Psalm 23:1). Paul said that God would meet all our needs “according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). If God has you covered today, thank him for that. Be specific. Now, ask him for big things that you think he has on his mind for you and for others in your world.
