

Healing is an important part of our road to freedom. Jesus offers us healing and freedom. When we find healing and freedom, we can help others find them. We can call on Jesus in our times of need, and he will answer. He promises to sustain us.

Through Compassion there are endless ways to meet the needs of our community and make an impact globally. Bringing a meal to teen moms, sponsoring a child, and tutoring local low-income kids are just three of the many ways Eastsiders make a difference and unleash compassion. God cares about the hungry and oppressed and clearly urges his people to take action to help them.

There is a dual blessing in serving others: we actually experience healing ourselves while assisting others on their road to healing and freedom. Let’s choose to find healing and be a light to those in need. What would it look like to be extravagant in our love toward those who are in need? Are there any misconceptions or prejudices that keep you from serving the poor? 


  1. Have you experienced spiritual healing while serving others? Praise God for that opportunity. 

  2. Read verse 8 out loud. What does this verse reveal to you about God’s heart for his people? Spend time praying for areas of healing in your life and those you care about.

  3. What are your thoughts and attitudes toward those who live in poverty? Reflect on these things. Tell God how you feel and ask him to heal anything that hinders you from serving him. What would it look like to unleash compassion and love others as God does?