Join us for 21 Days of Prayer beginning Monday, August 19!
It's a daily 2-minute video message paired with a written devotional guiding you through 3 weeks of inspiring prayer.
A Prayer of Community
“people (or other beings) living in a particular area or who are considered a unit due to their common interests or other common or unifying qualities”
9 Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
“We have all known the long loneliness, and we have found that the answer is community.”
― Dorothy Day
God has designed us to be in community with him and with others, knowing that two really are better than one. Too often, we labor alone for a return that seems like it will never come. We may pour into a project at home or at work that yields dismal results because there is simply more to the project than we can fully accomplish by ourselves. But as with anything that is good, it takes a number of elements to yield a successful result.
Like baking, forming community takes time, the heat of an ordeal, and a common mission. Some of our relationships are too sweet (no truth), too salty (no grace), too dry and powdery (they just seem to blow away), or too moist to hold onto (you can’t count on them). When that happens, remember that two are still better than one, and that more time, heat, and a common challenge to overcome may be the missing ingredients.